Bueno, pues eso, que aquí os dejo un outfit que me flipa, que deja muy fácil el experimentar con el maquillaje y ponerse un labial exagerado, como aquí el Russian Red de Mac! Espero que os guste mucho, dejadme comentarios! <3
Hi guys! I'm so sorry that I don't upload lately... It's just my lack of time due to high school and the rest of activities I do! I'm gonna take advantage of these free days I have because of the spring break, and I'm gonna try to prepare more photos and maybe some YouTube video... I just miss it so much.
Well, here you have an outfit I personally adore, which lets you experiment with strong lipstics, such as this one called Russian Red, from Mac! I hope you really like it, leave your comments! <3
Kaixo! Barkatu azkenaldin kaso askoik ez ittia... Kurtso honek ta iteittuten gauza guztik eztiate denboa uzten ezta arnasa hartzeko... Oain aste santua dala aprobetxatuz saiatukonaiz argazki berrik ta bideonbat prepatzen, faltan botatzetela pillabat.
Bueno, ba oixe, hementxe uzteizuetela outfit bat flipatu iteittena. Oso errex uzteu makillajiakin experimentatzia, ta nik hemen dakaten Mac-eko Russian Red bezelakuak jartzia! Esperoet gustatzia, utzi komentariyuak! <3